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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Little Lilly

My husband and I only have one baby, our cat. We didn't plan on getting a cat, we planed on getting a dog a lab to be specific; however, when I was going out to a friend's house that rescues animals for shelters when they are about to be put down, I found this one little kitten that stood out to me. She was fluffy, frisky, and full of energy. It killed me to know that she was one day away from being put down and that if she didn't find a home soon she would have to go back to the pound and risk being put down again. So, I called my husband and convinced him that we needed this kitten and she needed us. She was only about 2 weeks old.

We carefully thought on a name and came up with Lilly and it stuck. We call her many other names like: Little Lilly, Lil Lil,and sweet baby, or we call her cat, girl, and NOOOOO when she is getting into trouble.

One thing I think is true about all cats are they have a mind of their own and know how to use it. Lilly has been this way since she was a kitten. If she knows she can't get into it she will go after it, over and over and over again and then some more when my husband and I aren't looking. She knows what she wants and praise the Lord she has not discovered that she can jump up on the kitchen counter yet. Notice I said yet. My husband and I know that day is coming and we have been thinking of ways to handle it when it happens. That one will deserve a special punishment. We'll save the water being sprayed in the face for that one. We have yet to use that technique, I hope it works as good as I've heard it does.

I will say this though when Lilly chooses to be sweet, she is so cute. That the side I love so much about her. My husband likes the part where she acts like a dog. That's another name my husband gives her, "catdog" like the cartoon show that was out back in the day. My husband and I then turn into big dorks and start singing the theme song to catdog...ha ha. We both only know the part where the words are catdog and then we stop not knowing the rest of the song.

The reason for this silly catdog name is because Lilly has a ball that is one of her fav. toys, she will toss it up into the air for herself and run after it, then bring it to either of us and drop it in our laps like she wants you to play with her. We'll throw it down the hall or into the dinning room and she'll run after it and bring it back and drop it back into our laps. She will do this at least 5 to 7 times before she'll decide she is tired and needs a rest.
Our only pet that plays like our child for now is one of a kind and we love her very much. Our life together would not be near as entertaining without her.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cooking 101

So as we all know, Thanksgiving is on it's way. I'm at that age where I'm ready to start really learning how to cook. Let me correct myself, I mean more than just the basics because I've got that down; I mean the good stuff, the southern meals that take hours to make and hours to eat or days. I'm taking all the advice I can get to help me on this cooking journey.
Sadly, I will not be able to attend one family Thanksgiving dinner, but I will be sending my husband with some well made food (I hope). I have been practicing though and it helps to live near two ladies that know a thing or two about cooking.
So far I have made a wonderful broccoli casserole dish that was really good, an amazing chocolate pecan pie (oh yeah), and a pork loin that my husband loved but I didn't too much care for. There are of course a few other dishes that I would like to try before the family get together, but being that there is more than one family gathering this year I'll be okay if I don't get them all in on the dinner I'll be missing.

Funny enough, the family dinner I'll be missing is with my family, my husband will be going without me and I will be going with my Mother-in-law to see a show that we had planned for a good little while now. I think this is funny because he will be with my family and I'll be with his.
Well, wish me the best as I continue to work towards becoming domesticated! A wife who can cook! My Granny would be so proud.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My 100 dollar date

So, my husband and I are doing our best to save our money and stick to the "Dave Ramsey" money management mind. And boy, I didn't imagine that our emergency fund would be in use for this. Unexpectedly, Saturday morning I woke up feeling a bit crappy and under the weather. I didn't know how long it would last, but I was hoping that it wouldn't stay oh man was I wrong and by 2 PM I was hugging a toilet and we became close.
Only being married for a little over a year this was so embarrassing for me as I had my wonderful and loving husband hold back my hair for me. All I could think about was, "oh, how lovely."
I decided I should rest in a nice warm bath and hopefully I would start feeling better. This was NOT the case. I started to freeze, I had my husband heating water up on the stove and in the microwave because I just couldn't get the water hot enough. After a failed attempt to rest in the tub, I bundled up on the couch to warm up. When I started to notice that there was nothing I could do to warm up my body, I asked my husband to take my temp. and low and behold, I had a 102.8 temp. At this point I freaked out, thinking I had the flu or worse the H1N1. Here I was trying to get pregnant with our first child and I could have the flu. I hadn't even had the flu shot yet for this year. "Oh, great."
So, I did what any 26 year old newly wed would have done.....I had my husband call my mommy...ha ha. Of course my mother eased my mind with words of comfort, such as, she has the flu and get her to the emergency room asap. Wonderful, after a stressful week at work I found my husband and I racing to the emergency room.

Turns out after a long wait and some interesting clients that were coming into the ER at the same time, I found out I don't have the flu, rather just a bad case of strep throat, sadly I also found out that I'm not pregnant.
Most of our Sat. was spend in the emergency room and there was as you can imagine a 100 dollar co-pay. But in my eyes it was an interesting date to say the least with my husband, as I discovered how compassionate, loving, and willing to do whatever needed to care for me and make sure all my needs were met he could be. It didn't matter how disgusting I looked or how demanding I may have been because I was dependent on him...he was there by my side every minute. Best date by far and well worth every dime for not only my health but also to discover my husband's unconditional love for me.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Heather's E-News begins

Well this is my first blog on this site we will see where this goes....